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Welcome to Graymont - Contractor Safety Induction

To create an account, register here.

I forgot my password.

Welcome to Graymont APAC. 

If this is the first time working with us.  Please click on the "Login" button and register a new profile to start your training. If you have issues registering please contact the representative at the site you will be accessing.

 If you are a returning Contractor or Driver, please use the same username (email address) as you would have used on previous log ins.

Please do not create a new profile if you have used this system before, if you have forgotten your username (email address) or password, please contact the site representative at the site you intend on accessing. NOTE: Creating a duplicate file may result in records being lost and you having to complete training again.

Please do not click 'I Forgot my Password', contact your site representative to have this reset.



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